G&G Holistic It is All About You - Mind, Body and Soul
Holistic medicine involves every aspect of a person's being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Just as one part of the body cannot work independently of the others, so, too, must drug rehab include all parts of the body.
A good drug rehab program will realize this, whether or not the program considers its treatment to be of a holistic nature, and will tailor treatment programs to encompass all those aspects. This starts with conducting a physical examination to make sure there are no underlying or undiagnosed diseases or conditions that will prevent one from participating in drug rehab.
The mental aspect is determined through a psychological examination or through one or more initial counseling sessions. From there, staff members can be made aware of any problems, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder that may affect a drug rehab program.
Emotions play a large part in one's day to day life, and this is especially true in a rehab program. G&G Holistic Drug Rehab prefers this term to the more commonly-used one of patient) cannot reap the full benefits of the rehab program if his emotions are not as stable as they can be. The stress that can come from being separated from family and loved ones, being unable to work or attend school, and the other things that can occur from being in a drug rehab program must be addressed before treatment can begin.
And, while client's spiritual beliefs are of an individual nature, recognizing and respecting that some people believe differently from others is vitally important. A client must feel comfortable discussing his beliefs, knowing they will be met without censure or prejudice.
G&G Holistic Rehab makes every effort to ensure that a client is treated with respect and dignity, throughout every phase of the drug rehab program. For information on our rehab program, please visit our website or call 1-800-559-9503.